Pregnancy test how to find positive signs of pregnancy - Wajadda

Pregnancy test how to find positive signs of pregnancy

Pregnancy test

A pregnancy test is an action taken to find out a hormone that comes from the placenta that is in the blood, urine, a woman so that in the presence of these two things can be known signs of pregnancy.
Pregency test find positive signs og pregency
images: pixaby

When can you check for signs of pregnancy

To find out the signs of pregnancy, you can use a pregnancy test to check it. How long can you find out that you are pregnant depending on the pregnancy test you are using. All pregnancy tests measure the amount of HCG hormone to show you are pregnant or not. Some pregnancy test kits are more sensitive than others. The more sensitive the pregnancy test device, the abler is to detect the low levels of HCG hormone in early pregnancy, maybe two days after your egg is fertilized.

Pregnancy test pack

How does the Pregnancy test pack work? Test packs or pregnancy test kits are tools used to detect pregnancy hormones, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) which is usually found in the urine of women who are positively pregnant. The HCG hormone is produced by the placenta which begins to develop in the uterine wall after fertilization in the egg cell by sperm cells in the tube, which then leads to the uterine cavity and attaches to the uterine wall. The amount of HCG hormone will usually increase twice every two to three days in the first week of pregnancy.

So, to find out the signs of pregnancy you use a test pack when you experience late arrivals. The use of a test pack that is too early can cause the test results to be inaccurate because the amount of HCG in your body is still too little.

Types and How to Use the Test Pack You Need to Know

You can buy a pregnancy test kit or test pack freely at the pharmacy or supermarket. There are two types of test packs that are commonly used to detect pregnancy. Here are the two types of test packs and how to use them.

Test Pack Strip or Dip stick. Pregnancy test kits in the form of plastic strips that can be soaked in urine samples. At one end of a special marked sign or dip stick will change color if you find the HCG hormone in your body, which means you are pregnant. How to use this type of test pack is to put urine in the container, then dip the strip into the container and wait for 5 to 10 seconds for the strip to show the color or symbol printed.

Test Pack with Urine Strip and Container Tools. The user can be in two ways, by placing the test equipment in a container that has been filled with urine or it can also be by dripping 5 to 6 drops of your urine into the device. The area on the test kit will change color if the HCG hormone is found which means you are pregnant.

Read more: look at these 8 things to find out the signs of pregnancy

Tips and How to Use the Right Test Pack

Check the expiration date on the product of the test pack you purchased. Do not use expired test packs, because the performance of chemicals in an expired test pack can provide inaccurate results.

Before using the test pack to find out the signs of pregnancy You should read the test pack instructions printed on the product packaging carefully. Because generally, the instructions for using each product may not be the same. It's also a good idea to follow the instructions for storing the test pack printed on the product. Because there is a type of test pack that needs to be stored in the refrigerator before use.

You also need to prepare yourself before using a test pack, such as limiting physical activity or exercise and avoid certain foods.

Follow all instructions, do all steps according to the instructions listed without missing one. If one step to another takes time, use the clock and don't guess the time.

You are recommended to do a test with this test pack in the morning, that is, with the first urine sample or when you urinate for the first time in the morning after going to sleep at night. Urine in the morning will give the most accurate test results.

Every pregnancy and increase in a person's HCG hormone levels vary greatly. Sometimes, HCG levels are still too low even after a day of late menstruation. Various test pack products sold on the market have the ability to detect varying levels of low HCG. Some test kits have the ability to be sensitive enough to be used a few days before you are late for menstruation. For the most accurate results, use the test pack one to two weeks after menstruation late.

All test pack products on the market claim to be able to detect pregnancies with 99 percent accuracy if the test is done when you are late menstruation. However, you can find out how accurate the test pack is by reading the information printed on the package. Information on the concentration of HCG hormone reported in milli-International Units per milliliter will usually be listed. The lower the number the more effective the test pack.

If you experience symptoms or early signs of pregnancy, the results of the test pack still show negative results, you can retest a few days later. You are not advised to take drugs and do risky things, such as smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, to get certain that you are pregnant or not.

If the test pack results show a positive pregnancy, you can show the results of the test pack to the obstetrician for further examination to confirm your pregnancy. Doctors can recommend blood tests to find out and confirm your pregnancy. Blood tests are also far more sensitive than urine tests. Blood tests can detect pregnancy much earlier, that is, 6 days after conception. Not only that, but blood tests can also detect an ectopic pregnancy or wine pregnancy.

What are the types of pregnancy test kits?

There are two types of pregnancy tests, those that use urine and those that use blood. Both measure the levels of the hormone HCG to detect pregnancy.

a. Test with urine (test pack)

Tests that use a tool known as a test pack can be done at home easily. You only collect your urine, and the test pack will show signs, such as discoloration, line changes, or plus-minus symbols that indicate you are pregnant or not.

You can do this test when your first day or 10th day is late. Too early to do this test can show negative results, even though you are actually pregnant. For more precise results, it is recommended to check a few days after you feel late in the month.

Urine tests have a 97% accuracy when done correctly. If done incorrectly or too early, the results will not be accurate. If the test shows negative results but you experience signs of pregnancy, such as late menstruation, nausea, and fatigue, wait a week to do this test again or you can take another test or visit your doctor.

b. Test with blood

You should visit your doctor to do this test. This test is more effective and can be done earlier than a urine test because you can do a blood test 6 to 8 days after ovulation where fertilization may occur when you last had sex, but the results take longer because blood tests must be tested in the laboratory. There are two types of blood tests, namely quantitative HCG and qualitative HCG.

The way the quantitative blood test works is by measuring the amount of HCG hormone in the blood, while qualitative blood tests by looking at the presence or absence of the HCG hormone in the blood. In general, if you are pregnant, a positive test result will be shown within 3-4 days after the sperm fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall or 9-10 days after you have had sexual intercourse where fertilization occurs (sperm cells fertilize the egg )

What are the factors that influence the test results?

When does the egg stick to the uterine wall? When the fertilized egg sperm attaches to the uterine wall, the HCG hormone will begin to be released and the amount continues to grow. You can do a pregnancy test and get positive results at this time. However, testing a pregnancy that is too early can produce a negative test because it takes about a week for the egg to stick to the uterine wall and release the hormone HCG.

How much you drink. The level of HCG hormone in urine depends on how much you drink. If you drink too much, it is not impossible that the level of HCG hormone in your urine is small because the urine is too runny so it shows a negative test result. More concentrated urine usually shows positive test results.

Levels of the hormone HCG in the blood. The levels of the hormone HCG in the blood may have varying levels between individuals which affect the accuracy of the pregnancy test results. Positive test results may take longer if you have low levels of the hormone HCG in the blood.

Urine test sensitivity. Pregnancy test kits that use urine have different sensitivity levels that show how quickly the test kit can detect the presence of the HCG hormone in the urine. It is recommended that you read the sensitivity level and instructions in the package before testing so that you are not wrong.

Signs of pregnancy?

pregency test find positive of pregency
Images: pixaby

The following are signs of pregnancy as reported by Reports health:

1. Late menstruation

One indication of pregnancy is late menstruation. If you don't remember or record your menstrual cycle, you might find it hard to decide whether it's too late or not.

Most women have a 28-day menstrual cycle. Consider testing if it's more than a month late since the last menstrual period. What needs to be remembered, during menstruation can be late or missed because of stress, lack of exercise, or certain medical conditions.

One sign of another pregnancy is that we are experiencing mild bleeding or blood spots in the early weeks of pregnancy because the egg covers the uterine lining in the middle of implantation. If there is bleeding, note the difference in color, texture, or size of blood.

If necessary, you can contact a gynecologist.

2. Experiencing Menstrual Cramps

Implantation can also create a similar feeling of menstrual problems. In early pregnancy, you may feel cramps like when menstruation will arrive. But it turns out menstruation doesn't come.

3. Breasts Feel Pain

During pregnancy estrogen and progesterone levels increase. This hormone is to help the development of the baby. Breasts A person who experiences pregnancy signs may appear bigger because of widespread blood flow.

Milk nipples may also feel a little sore and blood vessels may appear darker under the skin. Because many women also experience sore breasts in the days leading up to menstruation, this does not always indicate pregnancy.

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